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Computational Materials Group (CMG): News

September 2024 17th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA 2024), Crete, Greece, September 29 - October 4, 2024
August 2024 7th ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer (MNHMT 2024), Nottingham, United Kingdom, August 5-7, 2024
July 2024 8th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS), Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy, July 14-20, 2024
July 2024 3rd Summer School on Ultra-short Pulse Lasers Applications in Material Processing (UPLAMP), Vilnius, Lithuania, July 01-06, 2024
June 2024 CIMTEC 2024 - Global Conference on Materials in an Explosively Growing Informatics World, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 20-24, 2024
May 2024 Chaobo takes the 1st place in the best student poster presentation award competition at the ANGEL-2024 Conference! (see photos)
May 2024

 7th International Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids (ANGEL), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, May 26-31, 2024

February 2024 14thInternational High Power Laser Ablation and Directed Energy Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 25 - March 1, 2024
October 2023 6th Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2023, Dornbirn, Austria, October 9 - 11, 2023
September 2023

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Yuan and Chaobo!!!

September 2023 12th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA-12), Suzhou, China, September 18-22, 2023 (photo of Yuan, Chaobo, and Hao)
September 2023 12th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA-12), Suzhou, China, September 18-22, 2023 (photo of Yuan, Chaobo, and Hao)
August 2023 Mikhail Arefev receives UVA Engineering Teaching Fellowship and teaches MSE 3050: Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Materials in the fall of 2023
July 2023 Libby receives a fellowship and attends the Computational Materials Science Summer School at the Texas A&M University from July 23 to August 4, 2023
June 2023 Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Berlin (photo)
June 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO/Europe), Munich, Germany, June 25-29, 2023
June 2023 The 24th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, Hirosaki, Aomori, Japan, June 13-16, 2023
May 2023 Yuan Xu defends her dissertation proposal
May 2023 The 10th North Rhine-Westphalia's Nano Conference - Innovations in Materials and Applications, Dortmund, Germany, May 23-24, 2023
May 2023 Mikhail Arefev and Antonios Valavanis defend their dissertation proposals
April 2023 Yuan is recognised among the top 5% of the UVA Teaching Assistants (photos)
April 2023 Picnic at Pinnacles Picnic Ground (Shenandoah National Park) (photos)
March 2023 Alfred Vogel from the the Institute of Biomedical Optics, University of Luebeck, Germany visits CMG, gives a seminar, and discusses research perspectives (photos)
October 2022 Libby Urig defends her dissertation proposal
October 2022 Symposium on Computer modeling of laser and ion beam interactions with materials at the 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2-7, 2022 (photo1, photo2)
October 2022 Group party at Chengping's place (photo1, photo2, photo3)
August 2022 Chaobo Chen defends his dissertation proposal
August 2022 Participation of UVA students in the Venice School on Lasers in Materials Science is highlighted in a news story
August 2022 BBQ at Sherando lake (photo1, photo2)
July 2022 Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 31-August 4, 2022
July 2022 Yuan, Chaobo, and Libby receive travel awards to attend the 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling
July 2022 Antonis receives the Roger Kelly Award for his presentation at the 7th International School on Lasers in Materials Science! (see photos)
July 2022 7th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS), Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy, rescheduled for July 3-9, 2022 (see photos)
April 2022 16th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Matsue, Japan & online, April 24-29, 2022 (photo)
April 2022 Sunny day on the Lawn (photo)
March 2022 9th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science (FemtoMat), Mauterndorf, Austria, March 14-16, 2022
October 2021 SPIE Laser Damage Symposium, Rochester, New York, October 18-21, 2021
October 2021 V International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science (UltrafastLight-2021), Moscow, Russia, 4-8 October, 2021 (online conference)
September 2021 28th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT'21), Moscow, Russia, 6-10 September 2021 (online conference)
July 2021 CECAM Workshop on Multi-approach modelling of alloy nanoparticles: From non-equilibrium synthesis to structural and functional properties, Lyon, France, July 7-9, 2021
June 2021 Press Release at the University of Duisburg-Essen highlighting the Humboldt Research Award
June 2021

Images illustrating the results of our simulations of laser fragmentation in liquids are featured on the cover of the June 24 Issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry C

June 2021 Our work on modeling of laser ablation in liquids is recognised by the Fojtik Henglein Prize. The Prize is "for a significant scientific breakthrough, or a pioneering research result published in last 2 to 3 years."
June 2021 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids (ANGEL), Hefei, China, (converted to mixed in-person - virtual conference), June 16-18, 2021
June 2021 22nd International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, June 8-11, 2021 (web conference)
May 2021 Hao defends his M.S. thesis and moves to HUST as a postdoctoral researcher
May 2021 Tasting of famous Hao's BBQ - photo
April 2021 13th International High Power Laser Ablation and Directed Energy Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico (converted to a virtual conference), April 13-15, 2021
April 2021 Birthday party for Hao - photo
March 2021 36th International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, March 1-6, 2021
January 2021 New graduate student, Libby Urig, joins CMG
January 2021 Maxim Shugaev completes his work at GMG and joins Intelligent Automation, Inc. as a Research Scientist
December 2020 UVA News Story on Maxim's accomplishments
November 2020 The paper authored by Cheng-Yu, Chengping, and Maxim is selected for the ANGEL Decennial Award! The Award is "for authoring the best innovative research article related to ANGEL research" in the years 2010-2020.
November 2020 Maxim Shugaev is awarded the Dieter W. Bäuerle prize for fundamentals and applications of laser-matter-interactions!
October 2020 IV International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science (UltrafastLight-2020), Moscow, Russia
September 2020 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2020), Fürth, Germany (converted to a virtual conference)
August 2020 New graduate student, Antonis Valavanis, joins CMG
July 2020

  AIP Scilight highlighting our article on Surface Acoustic Waves (pdf)

May 2020 Penn State news story highlighting the results reported in a paper published in Science Advances (the story is also noted in XSEDE Impact Newsletter)
May 2020 Corona-proof graduation ceremony for Miao He (see photos)
April 2020 Professor Ronald Imbihl gives an MSE Speaker Series Seminar
March 2020 Professor Ronald Imbihl from Institut für Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, joins CMG for his sabbatical
December 2019 Seminar at the Center for Bright Beams, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
October 2019 Kaushik completed his work in CMG and joined the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) as a Data Scientist Research Engineer
October 2019 Lingyu and Shaoning completed their stay in CMG and went back to China; Shaoning successfully defended his PhD at HUST
September 2019 Maxim, Miao, Zhibin, Alexey, and Leonid attend 15th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA-2019), Maui-Hawaii, USA. Miao is selected as a Finalist for the Student Oral Presentation at the Special Session of COLA'19! (see photos)
September 2019 New graduate student, Yuan Xu, joins CMG
August 2019 Summer School on Laser Processing Technology in Advanced Manufacturing, Wuhan, China
July 2019 Miao He defends his Ph.D. thesis (see photos)
July 2019 APPOLO Summer School on Ultra-short Pulse Lasers Applications in Material Processing, Vilnius, Lithuania
July 2019 International Symposium "Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies" (FLAMN-19), Saint-Petersburg, Russia (photo of Mikhail presenting his first results, conference photo)
May 2019 DOE Office of Science Science Highlight on Laser Focus Shines Light on How Nanoparticles Form
May 2019 MRS OnDemand Webinar on Acoustic Processes in Materials
May 2019

 Special Issue of MRS Bulletin on Acoustic Processes in Materials (see cover in pdf and jpg)

May 2019 Maxim receives his PhD diploma at the graduation ceremony (see photos)
May 2019 2019 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France
April 2019 Our calculations on Titan supercomputer are described in an article published on OLCF web site and reposted by
April 2019 Maxim Shugaev defends his Ph.D. thesis
March 2019 8th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science (FemtoMat 2019), Mauterndorf Castle, Mauterndorf (Salzburg), Austria
January 2019 Graduate School on "Surfaces Light Engineering - Health & Society", St. Etienne, France
January 2019 Seminar at the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany
December 2018 Graduate Seminar at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
December 2018 Meeting on Emergence and Physics Far from Equilibrium at National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
October 2018 AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition, Special Session celebrating the Career of Barbara Garrison, Long Beach, California
October 2018 Geng Shaoning from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Lingyu Guo from Shandong University join CMG as Visiting Graduate Students
October 2018 Group picnic with "fire-pot" (photo)
September 2018 2018 SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, California
September 2018 19th Erwin Schrödinger Colloquium, Vienna, Austria
September 2018 Seminar at ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
September 2018 11th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA-10), Vilnius, Lithuania
September 2018 Hao Huang continues his research in the CMG as a MSE graduate student
August 2018   Workshop on Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Materials
July 2018 6th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS) on Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
July 2018 2018 International Conference of Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation of Materials (ICM3) Xi'an, China
June 2018 5th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids (ANGEL) Lyon, France
May 2018 Bernard receives his diploma at the graduation ceremony (see photos)
May 2018 Maxim Shugaev, receives a prestigious 2017 Doris Kuhlmann Wilsdorf Outstanding Graduate Student Award! (photo)
May 2018 Ole Rømer Colloquia at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
April 2018 Bernard Wittmaack defends his Ph.D. thesis (photos from the defense and group party)
April 2018

An image illustrating the results of our collaboration with groups of Bilal Gökce and Stephan Barcikowski from the University of Duisburg-Essen is featured on the back cover of the April 15 Issue of Nanoscale

April 2018 The results of collaborative project with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) are featured in press releases posted on HZDR webpage and HZB webpage, as well as in the July issue of "Physik in unserer Zeit"
April 2018 Our computational results are highlighted in an article published in the ASCR Discovery online magazine of the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research in the Department of Energy Office of Science
March 2018 Miao, Maxim, Alexey, Zhibin, and Leo attend the International High Power Laser Ablation Symposia in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Maxim gives an invited talk, Zhibin receives the First Place poster award, and Miao gets the Second Place poster award! (see photos)
February 2018 New graduate student, Mikhail Arefev, joins CMG
January 2018 Research scientist, Kaushik Joshi, and graduate student, Chaobo Chen, join CMG
December 2017 Chengping, Mengdi, and Chloe visit Charlottesville (photo1, photo2)
November 2017 Seminars at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas and Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
September 2017 14th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA-2017), Marseille, France (photo1, photo2)
August 2017

Our images illustrating Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov hydrodynamic instabilities developing in laser ablation in a liquid environment are shown on the cover of the August 3 Issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry C

August 2017 Cheng-Yu is selected for participation in the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC)
July 2017 Summer School on Ultra-short Pulse Lasers Applications in Material Processing (APPOLO), Vilnius, Lithuania
July 2017 Cheng-Yu Shih defends his Ph.D. thesis
June 2017 Erwin Schrödinger Colloquium, VinziRast-mittendrin, Vienna, Austria
June 2017 Seminar at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation, Bucharest, Romania
May 2017 Maxim presents results of his calculations at the 2017 Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) User Meeting, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
May 2017 Seminar at the Institute of Applied Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
May 2017 Bernard and Leonid present at the 2017 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France
May 2017 Sunghee Groffy complets her thesis on coarse-grained modeling of carbon nanotubes and graduates
May 2017 European XFEL Theory seminar, Hamburg, Germany
March 2017 Our calculations on Titan supercomputer are described in an article published on OLCF web site and reposted by other science outlets (,
March 2017 7th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science (FemtoMat 2017), Mauterndorf Castle, Mauterndorf (Salzburg), Austria
January 2017 Cheng-Yu gives an Materials Science Seminar at the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria
Jan.-Feb. 2017 Cheng-Yu stays at the Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany for 6 weeks and collaborates with CENIDE researchers
December 2016

  One of our images is selected for a cover of the December Issue of the MRS Bulletin

December 2016 Materials Science Seminar, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria
November 2016 Session on "Multiscale Modeling of Materials" at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Charlottesville, Virginia
October 2016 Tutorial lecture at the 2016 Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science (LS) Conference, Rochester, New York
September 2016 Invited talk at the 2nd International Scientific Conference "Science of the Future," Kazan, Russia
September 2016 CENIDE Science Talk, Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE) of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
August 2016 10th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA-10), Brasov, Romania
July 2016 5th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS) on Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
July 2016 Plenary talk at the 14th International Interdisciplinary Seminar on Mathematical Models and Modeling in Laser-Plasma Processes and Advanced Science Technologies (LPpM3) and a Tutorial Lecture at the Youth School-Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Experiment in Modern Scientific Research, Moscow, Russia
July 2016 Han Wu completes his stay in CMG and gives an oral presentation of his results at the Light Conference, Changchun, China
June 2016 Invited talk at the International Symposium "Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies" (FLAMN-16), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
May 2016 Chengping and Maxim participate in the 2016 Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) User Meeting, present two posters, Chengping gives an invited talk
May 2016 Cheng-Yu tours Europe and gives presentations at the E-MRS Spring Meeting, Lille, France, and the 4th Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids (ANGEL), Essen, Germany
April 2016 Bernard, Alexey, and Leonid participate in the Structural CNT Working Group Meeting, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia
April 2016 Maxim, Miao, Zeming, and Leo attend the 11th International High Power Laser Ablation and Directed Energy Symposium in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Maxim gives an invited talk! (see photos)
March 2016 Sergey Makarov from the ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia visits CMG and gives a seminar
March 2016 Hao Huang, a Visiting Graduate Student from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China, joins CMG
January 2016 National Institute for Computational Science: Podcast "Simulating how Lasers can Transform Materials"
January 2016 Two undergraduate students, Jeremy Nathan and Sunghee Groffy, join CMG
December 2015 Eaman Abdul Karim defends her Ph.D. thesis (see photo)
November 2015 Presentations from CMG at a session organized by Avinash and Alexey at the ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Houston, Texas
November 2015 VI Annual Conference of RASA-USA, Washington, DC
September 2015

  13thConference on Laser Ablation (COLA-2015), Cairns, Australia

August 2015 Maxim is awarded the UVEF Fellowship for 2015 in recognition of his research and academic achievements!
July 2015 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2015), Prague, Czech Republic: plenary talk from CMG
May 2015 Marshall receives his Ph.D. diploma at the graduation ceremony (photo)
May 2015 Anna Greene graduates with double major in Engineering Science (Materials Science concentration) and Computer Science (see photo) and receives the ES/MSE Outstanding Student Award
May 2015 Stephen Stern receives an Alcoa Undergraduate Research Fellowship and the nanoSTAR Research Award
April 2015 Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Physics Colloquium from CMG
March 2015 6th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science (FemtoMat 2015), Salzburg, Austria
March 2015 Maxim and Chengping present their results at the APS March Meeting, San Antonio, Texas
January 2015 New undergraduate student, Stephen Stern, joins CMG
December 2014 The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Colloquium from CMG
October 2014 Chengping gives an invited talk at the 2014 SES 51st Annual Technical Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
October 2014 9th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Matsue, Japan
September 2014 Alexander Kiselev from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, joins CMG with a three-month long visit
September 2014 Han Wu from Nankai University, China, receives a grant from the China Scholarship Council and joins CMG for 18 months
September 2014 New undergraduate student, Kyongguk Kang, joins CMG
September 2014 Our project at the National Institute for Computational Sciences is featured in a "NICS Science Story"
August 2014 SPIE Solar Energy + Technology in San Diego, California
August 2014 Cheng-Yu Shih continues his research in the group as a graduate student
August 2014 Marshall Tabetah defends his Ph.D. thesis
July 2014 Jing Zou from the University of Toronto, Canada, joins CMG for a two-month long visit
July 2014 Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS) in Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
June 2014 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2014) in Vilnius, Lithuania
May 2014 E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting in Lille, France
May 2014

  One of our figures is selected for a cover of an issue (115(18), 2014) of the Journal of Applied Physics

May 2014 Chengping and Cheng-Yu receive their diplomas at the graduation ceremony (see photos)
May 2014 Richard Salaway defends his Ph.D. thesis
May 2014 Cheng-Yu wins the 2014 Materials Science and Engineering Distinguished Undergraduate Award
May 2014 Mikhail Povarnitsyn from the Joint Institute for High Temperatures, RAS, Moscow, Russia visits CMG and gives a seminar
April 2014 Eaman, Cheng-Yu, Alexey, Zhibin, and Leo attend the International High Power Laser Ablation Symposia in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Cheng-Yu receives the First Place poster award and Zhibin gets the Second Place poster award! (see photos)
April 2014 Cheng-Yu is selected as a winner of the UVa Engineering Science Symposium
March 2014 Eaman and Maxim are selected as finalists of the University of Virginia Engineering Research Symposium
March 2014 Chengping presents at the APS March Meeting in Denver, Colorado
February 2014 Nanotechnology Workshop at the National Institute of Aerospace in Hampton, Virginia (photo)
January 2014 New undergraduate student, Anna Greene, joins CMG
January 2014

  Lasers in Materials Science is published in Springer Series in Materials Science

December 2013 Bernard and Leonid attend the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Recording of one of the talks can be found at this MRS OnDemand site
October 2013 Dr. Vladimir Zaitsev from the Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia joins CMG for a two-month long visit
September 2013 Leonid attends the The 12th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA 2013) in Ischia, Italy
September 2013

  One of our figures is selected for a cover of an issue (114(10), 2013) of the Journal of Applied Physics

September 2013 Clemson University, Chemistry Department Seminar from CMG
August 2013 Alexey Volkov accepts an offer to join the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alabama as a tenure-track Assistant Professor and moves to Alabama
August 2013 New graduate student, Miao He, joins CMG; Chengping continues his work in the Group as Postdoctoral Researcher
July 2013 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), Raleigh, North Carolina: invited talk from CMG
June 2013 International Conference on Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-13), St. Petersburg, Russia: two invited talks from CMG
June 2013 Chengping Wu defends his Ph.D. thesis (see photo)
May 2013 Vladimir makes a presentation at the International Symposium on Nanoscale Pattern Formation at Surfaces in Copenhagen, Denmark
April 2013 Cheng-Yu is selected as a finalist of the University of Virginia Presidential Research Poster Competition
April 2013 Richard and Alexey attend the 2013 MRS Spring Meetingin San Francisco, California
March 2013 Eduardo Bringa from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina visits CMG and gives a seminar
March 2013 Chengping is selected as a finalist of the University of Virginia Engineering Research Symposium
February 2013 Bernard and Alexey attend the Titan Users and Developers Workshop at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computational Facility
January 2013 New undergraduate student, Ran Yang, joins CMG
January 2013   International Workshop on Acoustic Activation of Surface Processes
November 2012 Avinash is featured in an article published in UConn Today magazine
November 2012 Richard presents at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, Texas
November 2012 Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), Raleigh, NC: invited talk from CMG
October 2012 Zhibin moves from Colorado School of Mines to Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.
October 2012 Dr. Vladimir Zaitsev from the Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia joins CMG for a two-month long visit
August 2012 Avinash Dongare starts his new job as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut
August 2012 Maxim Shugaev and Andrew Bennett-Jackson join CMG
August 2012 Chengping, Marshall,Alexey, and Leonid attend the 8th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications in Rochester NY (see photos)
July 2012 Richard and Alexey attend the ASME 2012 Summer Heat Transfer Conference at the Wyndham Rio Mar Beach Resort in Puerto Rico
July 2012 Cheng-Yu and Leonid attend the 3rd Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS), Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
June 2012 Marshall and Eaman attend 13th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, Washington, DC
May 2012 Leonid and Eaman attend International Conference on High-Power Laser Ablation, Santa Fe, NM
April 2012 Cheng-Yu receives an Undergraduate Summer Research Award from the NanoSTAR Institute
March 2012 Cheng-Yu and Chengping receive the Double Hoo Research Award!
January 2012 Richard participates in the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Computational Material Science for Energy Generation and Conversion, Santiago, Chile
December 2011 University of Florida, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate Seminar from CMG
November 2011 Marshall, Alexey, Chengping, and Leonid attend the 11th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA'11), Cancún, México (conference photo)
November 2011 Richard participates in the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, Colorado
October 2011 Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), Richmond, Virginia: invited talk from CMG
October 2011 Dr. Vladimir Zaitsev from the Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia joins CMG for a two-month long visit
September 2011 Eaman, Marshall, and Leonid participate in the 2011 Joint Annual Conference of National Society of Black Physicists and National Society of Hispanic Physicists, Austin, Texas
September 2011 Alexey participates in the DSMC: Theory, Methods and Applications Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 2011 Graduate student from the Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Ms. Hagit Zemer joins the group with a year-long visit
September 2011 New undergraduate student, Cheng-Yu Shih, joins CMG
September 2011 New graduate student, Bernard Wittmaack, joins CMG
August 2011 Chengping and Rich attend Summer Supercomputing Institute at Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) in Austin, Texas
June 2011 Eaman and Chengping attend NIST Workshop on Atomistic Simulations for Industrial Needs
May 2011 David Nicholson graduates from UVa and is working on finishing his research project before moving to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for graduate study
April 2011 Alexey, Chengping, Derek, and Zhibin participate in the 2011 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California (see a photo)
March 2011 Chengping and Leonid participate in the 2011 American Physical Society March Meeting, Dallas, Texas
February 2011 Leonid joins the Program Committee of the International High-Power Laser Ablation Conference
November 2010 Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Physics Seminar Series: invited seminar from CMG
October 2010 Chengping and Leonid participate in the 47th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, Ames, Iowa
September 2010 New graduate student, Richard Salaway, joins CMG
August 2010 7th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Copenhagen, Denmark: invited talk from CMG (photos from the conference can be found here)
July 2010 Chengping and Leonid participate in the 10th Conference on Computer Simulations of Radiation Effects in Solids, Kraków, Poland (conference photo at Wieliczka Salt Mine, more photos )
July 2010 Chengping and Leonid attend the 2nd International School on "Laser-surface interactions for new materials production: Tailoring structure and properties", Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy. Chengping receives the "Roger Kelly Award" for his poster presentation! (see photos)
July 2010 Randy Applegate, a teacher from Gloucester High School, joins CMG for 5 weeks while participating in the NSF Summer Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program
June 2010 David Nicholson receives the Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Scholarship
May 2010 Will is selected as a finalist of the 2010 Undergraduate Research and Design Symposium
May 2010 Michigan State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy Seminar Series: invited seminar from CMG
April 2010

  Barbara J. Garrison Festschrift is published in a Special Issue of J. Phys. Chem. C

April 2010 International Conference on High-Power Laser Ablation, Santa Fe, NM: invited talk from CMG (conference photo)
April 2010 Will gives a presentation at the 2010 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California
April 2010

  One of our figures is selected for a cover of an issue (45(4), 2010) of the Journal of Mass Spectrometry

March 2010 Zhibin and Leonid participate in another symposium organized by Avinash at the International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada
March 2010

  One of our figures is selected for the cover art for a book published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

March 2010 An article on Will's internship in Germany is published in UVa Impact magazine
February 2010 Will Jacobs receives a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to continue his study in the graduate program of the University of Cambridge, in the group of Professor Daan Frenkel
January 2010 Eaman Abdul Karim is admitted to the UVa Engineering Physics graduate program
October 2009 Professor Douglas Irving from the North Carolina State University, visits CMG and gives a seminar at MSE Department
October 2009 New undergraduate student, David Nicholson, joins CMG
June 2009 Zhibin and Leonid participate in a symposium organized by Avinash at the Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics of Materials, Blacksburg, Virginia
May 2010 William Jacobs receives the Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Scholarship
May 2009 Zhibin receives his Ph.D. diploma at the graduation ceremony (see photos)
May 2009 Professor Robert Gordon from the University of Illinois at Chicago, visits CMG and gives a seminar at MSE Department
May 2009 Alexey presents his results at NanoTech'09, Huston, Texas (special session sponsored by Lockheed Martin)
April 2009 2009 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California: invited talk from CMG
April 2009 William receives another prestigious award, this time from the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation (see an article in UVa Today)
April 2009 University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Chemistry Seminar Series: invited seminar from CMG
March 2009 Dr. Arseniy Kuznetsov and Aleksandr Ovsianikov from the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany visit CMG and give a seminar at MSE Department
March 2009 Eaman and Leonid attend the APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
March 2009 William Jacobs receives the 2009 Harrison Undergraduate Research Award
February 2009 University of Virginia, Department of Chemical Engineering Seminar Series: invited seminar from CMG
January 2009 New graduate student, Chengping Wu, joins CMG
January 2009 New undergraduate student, William Jacobs, joins CMG
January 2009 Alexey gives a presentation at the 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida
November 2008 Alexey gives a presentation at the 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts
November 2008 New undergraduate student, Erin Carson, joins CMG
October 2008 Derek is awarded a Japanese Government's Scholarship to join the International Graduate Program in Mechanical, Electrical and Materials Engineering at the University of Tokyo and starts his graduate study in Japan (photo of Derek's class)
October 2008 Dr. Olga Shenderova from the International Technology Center, visits CMG and gives a seminar at MSE Department
October 2008 George Washington University, Chemistry Department Seminar Series: invited seminar from CMG
September 2008 New graduate student, Marshall Tabetah, joins CMG
September 2008 Derek and Leonid attend the 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA 2008), Sapporo, Japan. Derek receives the Outstanding Poster Award! (see photos and the ICPEPA Award page) and more photos from the 6-ICPEPA page
September 2008 Kiril Simov defends his M.S. thesis
September 2008 Zhibin accepts a Research Associate position in the research group of Roland Allen at the Texas A&M University
August 2008 Zhibin visits the research group of Micha Asscher at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
August 2008 An article on Derek's trip to Germany is published in E-News magazine
July 2008 Zhibin and Leonid participate in the 1st International School on "Laser-Surface Interactions for New Materials Production: Tailoring Structure and Properties," Venice, Italy
July 2008 Dr. Konstantin Khishchenko from the Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Moscow, Russia, visits CMG
June 2008 Leonid visits the Institute of Biomedical Optics, Lübeck, Germany
May 2008 Zhibin Lin defends his Ph.D. thesis (see photos)
May 2008 Avinash and Derek receive their diplomas at the graduation ceremony (see photos)
April 2008 Dr. Yuri Petrov from the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia, visits CMG
April 2008 International Conference on High-Power Laser Ablation, Taos, NM: invited talk from CMG
March-April 2008 Derek and Leonid visit the Institute for Analytical Sciences (ISAS), Dortmund, Germany
March 2008 Graduate student from the University of Baghdad, Iraq, Ms. Eaman Tahir Abdul Karim joins the group with a long-term visit
March 2008 Alexey, Zhibin, and Leonid attend the APS March Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
February 2008 Zhibin visits the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia, and gives seminars at the Landau Institute (seminar schedule) and the Lebedev Institute of Physics (seminar schedule)
February 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena: Photoinduced Processes and Applications, Ventura, California: invited talk from CMG
January 2008 Zhibin receives the University of Virginia Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering!
December 2007 Avinash accepts an NRC Research Associate position at the Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
December 2007 Avinash Dongare defends his Ph.D. thesis (see photos)
November 2007 Kiril gives a presentation at the 2007 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts (see photo)
October 2007 Avinash gives an invited presentation at the symposium on Modeling of Covalent Bonding Interactions of the Southeastern Regional ACS Meeting, Greenville, South Carolina
September 2007 Zhibin, Alexey, and Leonid attend the 9th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA'07), Tenerife, Spain, and give one invited and two contributed presentations. Zhibin receives the Outstanding Poster Award! (see photos)
June 2007 Research scientist, Alexey Volkov, comes back from Russia and Ireland and re-joins CMG
June 2007 International Conference Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-07), St. Petersburg - Pushkin, Russia: invited talk from CMG (photo)
May 2007 International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT 2007), Minsk, Belarus: invited talk from CMG
May 2007 Benjamin starts his work at ABZ, Inc
May 2007 Elodie and Benjamin receive their diplomas at the graduation ceremony (see photos)
April 2007 Elodie Leveugle defends her Ph.D. thesis (see photos)
March 2007 Zhibin and Leonid participate in the international workshop on Modeling and Processing with Ultra-short Laser Pulses, Carry le Rouet, France (see photos)
March 2007 Washington State University, Multiscale Mathematics and Engineering Seminar Series, invited seminar from CMG
February 2007 Elodie receives the University of Virginia Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering!
January 2007 Zhibin gives a presentation at the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nano-systems, Sanya, Hainan, China
November 2006 New undergraduate student, Benjamin Jessup, joins CMG
September 2006 Carlos starts his graduate study at the University of Rochester
September 2006 Stephen starts his graduate study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
September 2006 ICPEPA-5 is featured in the UVa Research News magazine
September 2006 Elodie gives an invited lecture at the International Conference on Laser Probing, Vienna, Austria
September 2006   5th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications
July 2006 12th International Symposium on Plasticity, Halifax, Canada: invited talk from CMG
May 2006 International Conference on High-Power Laser Ablation in Taos, NM: invited talk from CMG.
April 2006 Carlos is selected as a finalist of the 2006 Undergraduate Research and Design Symposium and wins the Third Place Award
March-April 2006 Graduate student from the Laboratory of Lasers, Plasmas and Photonic Processing, Marseille, France, Ms. Karine Gouriet visits CMG
March 2006 Zhibin receives the Second Place Poster Award in the annual research poster competition at the UVa Physics Department
March 2006 Zhibin presents his research results at the UVa Physics Department Condensed Matter Seminar
March 2006 NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA: invited seminar from CMG
February 2006 Alexey finishes his visit to UVa and resumes his teaching and research at the Baltic State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
January 2006 Avinash gets his US entry visa and comes back to Charlottesville
December 2005 Avinash gives an invited lecture at the International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Chennai, India (see photos), and... gets stuck in India due to a delay with his US visa application
December 2005

  One of our figures is selected for a cover of the Journal of Physical Chemistry B

September 2005 Zhibin, Elodie, Bill, Alexey, and Leonid attend the 8th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Banff, Canada
September 2005 New graduate student, Kiril Simov, joins CMG
August 2005 Orenthal Tucker defends his M.S. thesis (see photo)
August 2005 Leonid is promoted to Associate Professor
June 2005 Leonid visits Laboratory of Lasers, Plasmas & Photonic Processing (LP3), Marseille, France
May 2005 Elodie Leveugle receives the LPM2005 Student Oral Presentation Award!
April 2005 Elodie Leveugle, Bill Duff, Zhibin Lin, and Carlos Sevilla attend the 6th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, Williamsburg, Virginia. Carlos and Zhibin receive the Outstanding Poster Award! (see photos)
April 2005 3rdmeeting of the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC), Miami, Florida: invited talk from CMG
March 2005 Research scientist, Alexey Volkov, joins CMG
March 2005 Dmitriy Ivanov accepts a research scientist position at the National Centre for Laser Applications, Galway, Ireland
January 2005 New graduate student, Zhibin Lin, joins CMG
November 2004 Dmitriy Ivanov defends his Ph.D. thesis (see photo)
October 2004 41st Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Lincoln, Nebraska: invited talk from CMG
September 2004 13th International School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, Bourgas, Bulgaria: invited talk from CMG
September 2004 International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA), Lecce, Italy: invited talk from CMG (see photos from Lecce)
August 2004 Elodie gets a Silver Medal Poster Prize in a poster competition at the Research Retreat of the Science and Engineering of Laser Interactions with Matter graduate training program
August 2004 10th International Conference Desorption-2004 (D2004), St. Petersburg, Russia: invited talk from CMG
August 2004 Four CMG members attend Gordon Research Conference on Laser Interactions with Materials in New Hampshire, give one invited and three poster presentations, get a Poster of Excellence Award
July 2004 Avinash gives a talk at the NSF/SSF Workshop at Lund University, Sweden
July 2004 Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Medicine & Biology, New Hampshire: invited talk from CMG
June 2004 Orenthal presents a poster at the 7th International Conference on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, Helsinki, Finland (see photo)
June 2004 Elodie tours Europe and gives invited lectures at the Laboratory of Lasers, Plasmas & Photonic Processing (LP3), Marseille, France and at the International Workshop on Microfabrication, Nanostructured Materials and Biotechnology (LASERION'04), Tegernsee, Germany
Summer 2004 John Frankovich receives summer fellowship from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to attend the Computational Materials Science and Chemistry Undergraduate Summer Institute (see photo)
May 2004 Avinash and Elodie get their M.S. diplomas (see photos)
April 2004 International Symposium on High-Power Laser Ablation in Taos, NM: invited talk from CMG.
April 2004 CMG gets an US-France Cooperative Research NSF award for collaboration with LP3 CNRS, Marseille, France
April 2004 Avinash Dongare defends his M.S. thesis (see photo)
March 2004 Elodie Leveugle receives 2nd place award in a poster competition at the FEL Users/Laser Processing Consortium Meeting at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia
March 2004 Leonid gets an NSF CAREER award
February 2004 Elodie Leveugle defends her M.S. thesis (see photo)
November 2003 Avinash Dongare presents a poster at the International Symposium on Clusters and Nano-Assemblies: Physical and Biological Systems in Richmond, VA
October 2003 Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the 7th International Conference on Laser Ablation goes to CMG!
October 2003 Dmitri Ivanov and Elodie Leveugle receive travel grants for young researchers through the EU Marie Curie Program to attend the 7th International Conference on Laser Ablation in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
September 2003 Elodie Leveugle attends NATO ASI School on Laser Processing of Biological Tissues and Biocompatible Materials in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece and gives a poster presentation
September 2003 William Hunter Duff, Jr. receives NSF IGERT Fellowship from the Science and Engineering of Laser Interactions with Matter graduate program and joins CMG
July 2003 Dmitriy Ivanov presents a poster at APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter in Portland OR
Summer 2003 Elodie Leveugle and Dmitri Ivanov receive summer fellowships from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to attend the Computational Materials Science and Chemistry Summer Institute
Summer 2003 Leonid Zhigilei spends four weeks with group of Prof. Urbassek at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. The visit is arranged through the DFG Graduiertenkolleg on Engineering Materials at Multiple Scales: Experiments, Modelling and Simulation
December 2002 Four CMG members attend MRS Fall 2002 Meeting in Boston and give one invited and three poster presentations (see photos)
October 2002 39th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science in State College, PA: invited talk from CMG
September 2002 New graduate student, Orenthal Tucker, joins CMG
September 2002 MIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering: invited seminar from CMG
August 2002 International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences in Reno, Nevada: invited talk from CMG
June 2002 ICASE at the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA: ICASE Colloquium from CMG
June 2002 ASMS Research Award for the year 2002 goes to CMG!
June 2002 Three CMG members attend the 50th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics in Orlando, Florida (see photos)
May 2002 Avinash Dongare presents a poster at the American Vacuum Society Workshop on Thin Films, Surfaces, and Materials Processing in Newport News, VA
November 2001 NCSU, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, invited seminar from CMG
November 2001 November 2001 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section, invited talk from CMG
September 2001 First graduate students, Avinash Dongare, Elodie Leveugle, and Dmitri Ivanov join CMG
